Can't make it Sunday morning? Was a sermon so good, that listening to it once just wasn't enough? Check out our sermon recordings below!
The links below take you to the sermon within the YouTube video that was streamed on Sunday. For all streams on YouTube, go to this link.
2025-03-30, Dave Morgan, Fragile Peace, John 14:25-27, 33, Bulletin
2025-03-23, Dave Morgan,What's Next?, Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, John 14:1-3, Bulletin
2025-03-16, Dave Morgan, Stretching Our Spiritual Muscles, Matthew 15:21-28, Bulletin
2025- 03-09, Chosen People Ministries, Messiah In the Passover, Bulletin
2025-03-02, Dave Morgan, The Making of a Good Leader,1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Bulletin
2025-02-23, Worship Team Sharing, Bulletin
2025-02-16 - Service Canceled Due to Weather
2025-02-09, Dave Morgan, Super Bowl Sunday, Roman 12:3-8, Bulletin
2025-02-02, Dave Morgan , Jesus' Desire For His Church, John 17:20-26, Bulletin
2025-01-26, Dave Morgan, Conversations With God, Psalms 42:1-5, 46:1-7, Bulletin
2025- 01-19, Dave Morgan, Blowing Off Steam, Ephesians 4:25-27, James 1:19-20, Bulletin
2025-01-12, Dave Morgan, Who Am I?, Luke 15:25-32, Bulletin
2025-01-05, Dave Morgan, Turning The Page, Luke 18:9-14, Bulletin
2024-12-29, Thom Christian, Toast To The New Year, Matthew 9:16-17, Bulletin
2024-12-24, Thom Christian, Christmas Message, Bulletin
2024-12-22, Thom Christian, SIMPLE MIRACLES, Jeremiah 31:3, Bulletin
2024- 12-15, Dave Morgan, We Are The Light Of The World, Matthew 5:13-16, Bulletin
2024-12-08, Thom Christian, Shepherds, Strangers, and Other Marginal characters ,Luke 2: 8-14, Bulletin
2024-12-01, Thom Christian, A Divine Interruption, Luke 1:26-38, Bulletin
2024-11-24, Thom Christian, Thanksgiving, Congregationalism, and Passion for God, Galatians 5:18, Bulletin
2024-11-17, Dave Morgan, The Power of Perseverance, James 1:2-4, Bulletin
2024-11-10, Thom Christian, A Declaration of Independence, Hebrews 12:1-3, bulletin
2024-11-03, Thom Christian, A Confident Herald, 2 Timothy 1:8-14, bulletin
2024-10-27, Dave Morgan, The Power of Our Words, James 3:7-12, bulletin
2024-10-20, Dave Morgan, The Secret of A Contented Life, Philippians 4:8-9, 12-13, bulletin
2024-10-13, Thom Christian, Grace Displayed, Ephesians 2:8-10, bulletin
2024-10-06, Dave Morgan, Life in Troubled Times, Luke 11:1-4, bulletin
2024-09-29, Thom Christian, A Love Story,1 Corinthians 13:1-7, 13, bulletin
2024-09-22, Dave Morgan, Life With Jesus, Mark 1:14-20, bulletin
2024-09-15, Thom Christian, Bull's-Eye Theology, Philippians 3:12-16, bulletin
2024-09-08, Thom Christian, New Clothes for Old, Philippians 3:4-12, bulletin
2024-09-01, Dave Morgan, Getting The Best Return, Luke 12:13-21, 1 Tim 6:17-19, bulletin
2024-08-25, Thom Christian, A Promise to Believe In, Acts 13:14-41, bulletin
2024-08-18, Dave Morgan, The Stress and Joy of Family, Romans 12:9-16, bulletin
2024-08-11, Dave Morgan, Price Tag Moments, Luke 12:13-15; 18:18-27, bulletin
2024-08-04, Dave Morgan, Inside Out, Luke 11:37-41, bulletin
2024-07-28, Dave Morgan, To Be A Christian, Mark 8:31-37, bulletin
2024-07-21, Thom Christian, An Issue Of Power, Luke 4:1-13, bulletin
2024-07-14, Thom Christian, Crop Duster Prayers, Acts 12:1-19, bulletin
2024-07-07, Thom Christian, A Realistic Appraisal!, Acts 4:1-22, bulletin
2024-06-30, Thom Christian, Photographs and Memories, Psalm 51:10-12, bulletin
2024-06-23, Dave Morgan, Growing Our Faith, Matthew 13:1-9, bulletin
2024-06-16, Thom Christian, Love Unspeakable, John 3:16, bulletin
2024-06-09, Dave Morgan, Where is Your Faith?, Luke 8:22-25, bulletin
2024-06-02 Thom Christian, Get Mad!, Acts 17:10-15, bulletin
2024-05-26 Dave Morgan, Honoring Their Memory, Hebrews 11:39-12:2, bulletin
2024-05-19 Thom Christian, To Tell The Truth, John 4:4-42, bulletin
2024-05-12 Dave Morgan, American Mother, bulletin
2024-05-05 Thom Christian, The Master Rebuilder, John 21:15-25, bulletin
2024-04-28 Dave Morgan, Head, Heart, Hands, Matthew 6:1-4, bulletin
2024-04-21 Thom Christian, Waiting! John 21:1-14, bulletin
2024-04-14 Dave Morgan, Jesus's Worry List, Mt 6:24-27, bulletin
2024-04-07 Thom Christian, Hope - Then and Now, John 20:19-23, bulletin
2024-03-31 Dave Morgan, Life After Death, Jn 12:24-25, bulletin
2024-03-24 Thom Christian, Free At Last, Isaiah 40:28-31, bulletin
2024-03-17 Thom Christian, His Last Prayer, John 17:20-21, bulletin
2024-03-10 Dave Morgan, Our Lust for Money, Mt 5:8; 6:19-24, bulletin
2024-03-03 Dave Morgan, Our Lust for Sex, Mt 5:8, 27-30, bulletin
2024-02-25 Thom Christian, A Place to Belong, Jn 15:9-17, bulletin
2024-02-18 Dave Morgan, The Heart of the Matter, Mt 5:8, bulletin
2024-02-11 Thom Christian, It's All Yours, Jn 14:15-26, bulletin
2024-02-04 Dave Morgan, The Best Sermon Ever, Mt 5:1-10, bulletin
2024-01-28 Thom Christian, Hope Beyond Division, John 13:34-35, Phil 2:1-4, 1 Pet 1:22-23, bulletin
2024-01-21 Dave Morgan, The Eyes of the Heart, John 9:1-5, bulletin
2024-01-14 Thom Christain, A Passionate Narrative, John 13, bulletin
2024-01-07 Thom Christian, How Do I Find the Sanctuary? Isaiah 6; Jer 17:12; 1 Kings 22:8, bulletin
***************SERVICE CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER***************
2023-12-31 Thom Christian, A Jarring Effect, Acts 2:42-47, bulletin
2023-12-24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Worship Team and Congregation, bulletin
2023-12-24 Dave Morgan, Battle for Trust, Luke 1:39-56, bulletin
2023-12-17 Dave Morgan, Full Of Joy! Luke 2:8-14, bulletin
2023-12-10 Thom Christian, Unexpected Expectations, Luke 1:26-38, bulletin
2023-12-03 Dave Morgan, Peace Beyond Understanding, Isaiah 9:6; John 14:25-27, bulletin
2023-11-26 Thom Christian, God Cares, Acts 8:26-40, bulletin
2023-11-19 Dave Morgan, Lord of the Gift, Mt 25:14-27, bulletin
2023-11-12 Thom Christian, A Uniformed Effort, Ephesians 6:10-18, bulletin
2023-11-05 Dave Morgan, The One Thing Needed, Lu 10:38-42, bulletin
2023-10-29 Thom Christian, Lashon Hara! Ja 3:5b-8; Pr 18:21, bulletin
2023-10-22 Dave Morgan, The God of Surprises, Lu 5:1-11, bulletin
2023-10-15 Thom Christian, Ethics, Truth and a Friend Named Nathan, 2 Sa 12:1-15; Mt 5:33-37, bulletin
2023-10-08 Dave Morgan, Balcony People, Acts 4:32-37, bulletin
2023-10-01 Thom Christian, Love Your Neighbor, Lev 19:18; Mt 22:37-39; Lk 10:25-37, bulletin
2023-09-24 Dave Morgan, All Kinds of Leaders, I Thessalonians 2:1-12, bulletin
2023-09-17 Thom Christian, Bridges Over Troubled Waters, Mt 5:21-26; 18:15-17; Lk 12:57-58, bulletin
2023-09-10 Dave Morgan, The Church At Work, 1 Cor 12:14-27, bulletin
2023-09-03 Thom Christian, Rejecting Rejection, Exodus 2:1-10, Acts 7, bulletin
2023-08-27 Dave Morgan, Coming Home, Lu 15:11-24, bulletin
2023-08-20 Thom Christian, A Shimmy, A Shake and Some Real Significance, Lu 19:1-10, bulletin
2023-08-13 Dave Morgan, Why I Want To Be Like Jesus, John 14:18-20; Acts 1:4-8, bulletin
Interview with Beau Gavin-Durr, Mission Motion Team member
2023-08-06 Thom Christian, An Impressive Word, Mk 1:21-28, bulletin
2023-07-30 Dave Morgan, The Best Teacher Ever, Mt 15:21-28, bulletin
2023-07-23 Thom Christian, Your Choice, John 3:1-16, bulletin
2023-07-16 Thom Christian, Hey, I Know Your Dad, I Jn 3:1-11; Lk 15:11-24, I Cor 13:8-13, bulletin
2023-07-09 Dave Morgan, All Will Be Well, Lu 13:18-21, bulletin
2023-07-02 Thom Christian, An Issue of the Heart!, 1 Samuel 16:6-13; Matthew 15:1-20, bulletin
2023-06-25 Dave Morgan, Playing Favorites, James 2:1-9, bulletin
2023-06-18 Dave Morgan, The Love of a Dad, selected Proverbs, bulletin
2023-06-11 Thom Christian, What Did Jesus Do?, Lu 7:36-50, bulletin
2023-06-04 Dave Morgan, How Our Mind Works, Rom 8:5-6, bulletin
2023-05-28 Thom Christian, Putting God First, Matt 6:33, bulletin
2023-05-21 Dave Morgan, The Gospel of Jesus, Matt 6:31-33, bulletin
2023-05-14 Thom Christian, The Hands That Shape the World, various scriptures, bulletin
2023-05-07 Thom Christian, The Secret of Growth, Col 2:1-8, bulletin
2023-04-30 Dave Morgan, God of Grace, John 21:15-17, bulletin
(NOTE: Today's video is compromised, but audio is good).
2023-04-23 Dave Morgan, Love of A Different Kind, 1 Cor 13:1-7, bulletin
2023-04-16 Dave Morgan, Passing the Baton, Deut 6:1-9, bulletin
2023-04-09 Thom Christian, Welcome Home, All is Forgiven, John 20, 1 Pet 1:3, bulletin
2023-04-02 Thom Christian, As A Matter of Fact!, Luke 24:1-12, bulletin
2023-03-26 Thom Christian, Personal Passion, 1 Thes 2:6-12, bulletin
2023-03-19 Dave Morgan, Dealing With Our Fears, 2 Cor. 4:7-9, bulletin
2023-03-12 Dave Morgan, Dealing with Our Anxiety, Phil 4:6-7, 1:12-18, bulletin
2023-03-05 Thom Christian, Stay the Course, I Thes 2:1-6, bulletin
2023-02-26 Thom Christian, Aggressive Authenticity, bulletin
2023-02-19 Rufus Jones, A Life Unimagined, bulletin
2023-02-12 Thom Christian, The Breath of Life, 1 Thes 1:1-3, bulletin
2023-02-05 Dave Morgan, Why Are We So Angry? Jam 1:19-20, Pro 15:1, Eph 4:26, bulletin
2023-01-29 Thom Christian, Stand Convicted, Psalm 37, bulletin
2023-01-22 Dave Morgan, Resolutions and Self-Control, James 4:1-3, bulletin
2023-01-15 Thom Christian, Accomplishing Accomplishments, Acts 16:11-15, bulletin
2023-01-08 Thom Christian, All In The Family, Philippians 4:1-5, bulletin
2023-01-01 Dave Morgan, A New Year's Resolution, James 1:19-20, bulletin